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About Skillmatics

Skillmatics is a leading global education brand led by a team of educators, game, and product designers who are dedicated to creating innovative and holistic ways for children to learn through play.

Skillmatics is deeply committed to the mission of developing educational products that bring joy to children and help them reach their full potential.

Skillmatics focuses on 4 key learning domains that encompass the skills children need to realize school success and ignite a love of learning that lasts for life.

Work with

Working with Skillmatics has been extremely fun. I got a chance to work in two Product Domains while working with Skillmatics. I got to design a lot of products from the top in the Subscription team whereas I was also part of designing a few retail products which come under the Games Domain. 

Learning kits

Retail Games

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About Subscription

The Skillmatics Subscription is a stage-based program that enables you to give your child a research-based, age-appropriate, engaging and enjoyable learning through play experience.

With carefully curated Play Kits, The Skillmatics Subscription puts your child on a learning curve with a natural upward trajectory. Our goal is to make you feel confident in the way you guide your child to learn and play. Every component of our Play Kits is designed by educationalists and child-development experts and is based on extensive research on how to create learning experiences that will truly fuel your child’s intellectual engine and help them build key skills.

Age groups

3 Y - 4 Y
4 Y - 5 Y
5 Y - 6 Y
learningh kits
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With each Learning Kit, your child will reach successive stages of developmental benchmarks, building key skills and nurturing different areas of knowledge.

4 Key learnings


Skillmatics Learning Kits have been designed to focus on four learning domains that are key to your child’s early development: Language & Literacy, World Knowledge, Mathematics & Numeracy, and Social-Emotional Knowledge. As your child grows, the Kits will highlight 

progressive aspects of each domain.

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3 Years - 4 Years
Subscription Boxes

These are the games that were designed by me in 3-4Y boxes.


Turn & Learn

(Letters & Phonics)


Turn & Learn is designed to help children build and strengthen Letter-Sound Recognition. This can be best understood as the process by which children associate letters with their respective phonetic sounds, which guides them to eventually put the 

letter sounds together and read unfamiliar words, by themselves. 

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Picture Palette


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Picture Palette is designed to help your child understand that an image is composed of multiple colors, and to recognize and identify these colors. 

Color Recognition and Visual Discrimination can be understood as the faculty by which children recognize the different colors and identify their names. It is a key cognitive developmental step for children, as it plays an important role in object recognition and builds descriptive language skills needed for effective communication.

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Picture Palette

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Deep Dive

with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

Deep Dive with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! focuses on building Number Recognition and Counting skills.

Number Recognition is the ability to visually recognize the different numbers, name them, and understand what ‘quantity’ they stand for. Counting is a fundamental skill in a child’s early understanding of quantities and provides the basis for the development of number and arithmetic concepts and skills. While counting objects, your child has to coordinate multiple, distinct skills, reciting the number-word sequence while simultaneously keeping one-to-one correspondence between the objects being counted and the number words assigned to the objects.

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Lucky Letters

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Lucky Letters is designed to strengthen a child’s letter-sound recognition, and encourage them to make connections between an object’s beginning sound and its corresponding 

letter. Letter-sound correspondence is the identification of phonemes. It is one of the fundamental building blocks of a child’s ability to read words, and eventually phrases. 

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Turn & Learn is designed to help your child build on their knowledge of the Places around them 

and learn appropriate vocabulary related to each of the different places. 


At this stage, your child may be familiar with the things they see around their home. They must move up the Learning Curve by beginning to build vocabulary associated with places 

outside of their homes. Learning about places around town helps children integrate more 

easily into their community and understand how different ecosystems work, within themselves and with each other. 


Turn & Learn

(Places around us)
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4 Years - 5 Years
Subscription Boxes

These are the games that were designed by me in 4-5Y boxes.

Time for Tangrams is designed to introduce children to geometrical concepts and improve problem solving and visuospatial skills.

At this stage, your child may be familiar with basic shapes, and recognizing them in their everyday environment. This product is the perfect learning tool to further your child’s STEM and spatial-awareness skills. Tangrams are two-dimensional puzzles which are to be solved by the reorientation of smaller shapes to build the larger, target shape. 


Time For 

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Would You Choose

“Would You Choose” is designed to help your child introspect, and better understand themselves, including their likes, dislikes, hopes and aspirations. It focuses on building on your child’s

self-awareness and self-realization, which are extremely important in helping them reach their productive potential and understand their own personality. Learning Social and Communication skills like this is one of the major developmental tasks in early childhood that needs to be cultivated and consistently nurtured. “Would You Choose” is a multiplayer game that helps players learn about themselves 

and one another, as well as understand that everybody has 

different preferences. It includes a range of “Would you Choose” questions based on 4 categories - ‘Places’, ‘Food’, ‘Silly’ and ‘Me’.

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Sight In Space

Through conversations and being read to from an early age, children develop pre-literacy skills, including individual sound, letter and word recognition.

Sights In Space strengthens your child’s recognition of essential sight words, enabling them to read faster, more fluently, and 

gain confidence in their literacy skills, through engaging and 

exciting gameplay. It is also designed to enhance your 

child’s Mathematics and Numeracy skills as it builds on 

concepts of Counting, One-to-One Correspondence, 

Numeral Recognition and the Number Sequence. 

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5 Years - 6 Years
Subscription Boxes

These are the games that were designed by me in 5-6Y boxes.

Squeaky Clean is a game that helps your child improve their strategizing and problem 

solving skills, while they learn about the importance of personal hygiene and healthy 

habits. It also encourages them to read as they play and improves their language and

literacy skills. This game is all about being ‘Squeaky Clean’ in order to protect and save your Body Tiles from becoming Slimy and getting eliminated from the game!


Squeaky Clean

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Tell A Tale helps your child learn to build sentences, make logical connections and encourages them to think creatively to tell an imaginary story. Tell A Tale is designed with different types of cards – Story Cards, Word Cards, Sound Cards and Shape Cards that encourage your child to express their thoughts and boost their creativity as they put a story together. Tell A Tale will also improve your child’s

social-emotional skills, as they listen to others’ contributions, and empathize with them to come up with new ideas together. 



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